Whimsical Nature — The Art of Evangelia

Whimsical Nature

Bayou Blues

Bayou Blues

The Nature Of Music

The Nature Of Music

Boogie Bog 11x14.jpg

Boogie Down Bog

Creature ConcertoCLRlores.jpg

Classic Creature Concerto

Jaipur Melody

Jaipur Melody

Village Glendi

Village Glendi

Ttudor Troubadors CLRlores.jpg

Tudo Trubadors

Ms Malecent's Tea Party II

Ms Malecent's Tea Party II

Miss Patunia's Pond Party

Miss Patunia's Pond Party

Yukiko lores-.jpg

Ms Yukiko's Cherry Blossom Festival

Vixens Peep 8.5x11.jpg

Ms Vixen's Peeps

Three French Hens

Three French Hens

Above Arctic Skies 11x14.jpg

Over Arctic Skies

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

The Swan Queen Rises

The Swan Queen Rises

Queen Llama Drama

Queen Llama Drama

Queen Of The Jungle

Queen Of The Jungle

Afraid Of Meooow?

Afraid Of Meooow?


Queen Airedale


Maggie Foo and Friends

WE Three Queens

WE Three Queens

Petros, the King of Mikonos

Petros, the King of Mikonos
